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Calculator Help

When you enter this general-purpose mathematical calculator, you'll be on its expression prompt.
Enter whatever you'd like to calculate and press dot 8 (which functions as the equals sign).
You'll then be on the result line.
You can go down one line with 4-Chord to see the expression that was calculated.
You can then go back up to the result with 1-Chord.
You can dismiss the result and go back to the expression prompt by pressing Enter (Dot 8).
Z-Chord, when on the expression prompt, exits the calculator.

Expressions are entered, with a few exceptions, using Nemeth Code symbols.
In the following lists, the key being described is shown first, followed by the dots to press to type it.

   the digit 1: 2
   the digit 2: 2-3
   the digit 3: 2-5
   the digit 4: 2-5-6
   the digit 5: 2-6
   the digit 6: 2-3-5
   the digit 7: 2-3-5-6
   the digit 8: 2-3-6
   the digit 9: 3-5
   the digit 0: 3-5-6
   the decimal point: 4-6

   plus: 3-4-6
   minus: 3-6
   times: 1-6
   divide: 3-4
   remainder: 1-4-6
   exponentiate (to the power of): 4-5-7

   left parenthesis: 1-2-3-5-6
   right parenthesis: 2-3-4-5-6
   a space: spacebar

These key combinations can be used to edit the expression:
   go to the previous character: 3-Chord
   go to the next character: 6-Chord
   go to the first character: 1-3-Chord
   go to the end (just after the last character): 4-6-Chord
   delete the previous character: 7
   delete the current character: 2-5-6-Chord
   delete all of the previous characters: 1-3-6-7-8

A number must not contain a space and may be entered to any precision both before and after the decimal point.
The decimal point is optional and is not required if all digits after the point are 0.

The special variable "last" contains the result of the previous calculation.
You can define your own variables by entering lines of the form:
  variable = expression

Standard operator precedence rules are used.
From highest to lowest:
  a subexpression within parentheses
  times, divide, remainder
  plus, minus

Several scientific constants are available as predefined Variables:
  c       the speed of light - Meters per Second
  e       Euler's Number - The Base for Natural Logarithms
  f       Faraday Constant - Charge per Mole
  g       Gravitational Constant - Cubic Meters per Kilogram per Second per Second
  h       Planck Constant - Joule Seconds
  k       Boltzmann Constant - Joules per Kelvin
  l       Avogadro Constant - per Mole
  r       Universal Gas Constant - Joules per Kelvin per Mole
  pi      Archimedes' Number - The Ratio of a Circle's Circumference to Its Diameter
  phi     The Golden Ratio

General Functions:
  abs(x)       the absolute value of x
  exp(x)       the natural antilog of x (e raised to the power of x)
  hypot(y, x)  the length of the hypotenuse - Pythagoras Theorem
  log(x)       the natural log of x
  pow(x,y)     raise x to the power of y
  sqrt(x)      the square root of x

Trigonometric Functions Using Radians
  sin(r)       the sine of an angle in radians
  cos(r)       the cosine of an angle in radians
  tan(r)       the tangent of an angle in radians
  asin(x)      the arcsine in radians of x
  acos(x)      the arccosine in radians of x
  atan(x)      the arctangent in radians of x
  atan2(y,x)   the arctangent in radians of y/x

Trigonometric Functions Using Degrees
  dsin(d)      the sine of an angle in degrees
  dcos(d)      the cosine of an angle in degrees
  dtan(d)      the tangent of an angle in degrees
  adsin(x)     the arcsine in degrees of x
  adcos(x)     the arccosine in degrees of x
  adtan(x)     the arctangent in degrees of x
  adtan2(y,x)  the arctangent in degrees of y/x

Hyperbolic Functions
  sinh(x)       the hyperbolic sine
  cosh(x)       the hyperbolic cosine
  tanh(x)       the hyperbolic tangent


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