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Desktop Navigation Help

The chords used to navigate the BTSpeak Desktop are listed below.
These key definitions assume that the Mate session manager is being used.

The PC keyboard key combination for each definition is also listed (within parentheses) for those who are familiar with them.
The Super key, used in some of the definitions, might not be familiar to some - it's commonly also known by other names such as the Windows or Command key.

Switching between Desktop and Traditional mode:
  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-Chord: switch to Traditional mode (Control + Alt + F1)
  1-2-3-4-5-6-8-Chord: switch to Desktop mode (Control + Alt + F7)

Opening commonly-used windows:
  D-7-8-Chord: go to the desktop (Control + Alt + D)
  O-Chord: open the Applications (or Start) menu (Alt + F1)
  R-Chord: open the Run prompt (Alt + F2)
  T-Chord: open a new terminal (Control + Alt + T)
  M-Chord: open the menu bar of the current application (F10)
  M-7-Chord: open the context menu of the current application (Shift + F10)
  M-8-Chord: open the context menu of the current window (Alt + Space)

Moving the screen cursor:
  3-Chord: move left one character (Left-Arrow)
  6-Chord: move right one character (Right-Arrow)
  2-Chord: move left one word (Control + Left-Arrow)
  5-Chord: move right one word (Control + Right-Arrow)
  1-Chord: move up one line (Up-Arrow)
  4-Chord: move down one line (Down-Arrow)
  1-3-Chord: move to beginning of the current line (Home)
  4-6-Chord: move to end of the current line (End)
  1-2-3-Chord: move to the top of the document (Control + Home)
  4-5-6-Chord: move to the end of the document (Control + End)
  2-3-Chord: move up one screen (Page-Up)
  5-6-Chord: move down one screen (Page-Down)

Extending the current text selection (dot 7 added to each corresponding screen cursor movement definition):
  3-7-Chord: select the previous character (Shift + Left-Arrow)
  6-7-Chord: select the next character (Shift + Right-Arrow)
  2-7-Chord: select the previous word (Shift + Control + Left-Arrow)
  5-7-Chord: select the next word (Shift + Control + Right-Arrow)
  1-7-Chord: select the previous line (Shift + Up-Arrow)
  4-7-Chord: select the next line (Shift + Down-Arrow)
  1-3-7-Chord: select to the beginning of the current line (Shift + Home)
  4-6-7-Chord: select to the end of the current line (Shift + End)
  1-2-3-7-Chord: select to the top of the document (Shift + Control + Home)
  4-5-6-7-Chord: select to the end of the document (Shift + Control + End)
  2-3-7-Chord: select the previous screen (Shift + Page-Up)
  5-6-7-Chord: select the next screen (Shift + Page-Down)

Moving between controls, windows, and panels (Tab key combinations):
  1-2-Chord: go to the previous control within the current window (Shift + Tab)
  4-5-Chord: go to the next control within the current window (Tab)
  1-2-7-Chord: go to the previous document within the current application (Shift + Control + Tab)
  4-5-7-Chord: go to the next document within the current application (Control + Tab)
  1-2-8-Chord: go to the top-level window of the previous application (Shift + Alt + Tab)
  4-5-8-Chord: go to the top-level window of the next application (Alt + Tab)
  1-2-7-8-Chord: go to the previous panel on the desktop (Shift + Control + Alt + Tab)
  4-5-7-8-Chord: go to the next panel on the desktop (Control + Alt + Tab)

Closing windows:
  Z-Chord: cancel an action or close a dialog (Escape)
  Z-7-Chord: close the current application (Alt + F4)
  Z-8-Chord: close the active child window of the current application (Control + W)


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