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Desktop Review Help

Orca is the screen reader used by the BTSpeak to review what's on its desktop.
These key definitions assume that Orca's laptop layout is being used and that the Orca Modifier key is Caps Lock.
Do NOT change these settings.

Reviewing by character:
  3-6-Chord: speak the current character
    press twice to speak the current character phonetically
    press three times to speak the current character's hexadecimal Unicode value
    long press speaks the character's attributes (color, etc)
  3-6-7-Chord: move the review cursor to the previous character
  3-6-8-Chord: move the review cursor to the next character
    long press moves the review cursor to the last character of the current line

Reviewing by word:
  2-5-Chord: speak the current word
    press twice to spell the current word
    press three times to spell the current word phonetically
  2-5-7-Chord: move the review cursor to the previous word
    long press moves the review cursor to the word above the current word
  2-5-8-Chord: move the review cursor to the next word
    long press moves the review cursor to the word below the current word

Reviewing by line:
  1-4-Chord: speak the current line
    press twice to spell the current line
    press three times to spell the current line phonetically
    long press speaks the currently selected text or item(s)
  1-4-7-Chord: move the review cursor to the previous line
    long press moves the review cursor to the first line
  1-4-8-Chord: move the review cursor to the next line
    long press moves the review cursor to the last line

Where Am I:
  1-5-6-7-Chord (wh): speak basic Where Am I information
    press twice to speak detailed Where Am I information
  1-5-6-8-Chord (wh): speak the title bar
    press twice to speak the status bar
  1-5-6-7-8-Chord (wh): describe the current item or widget

Continuous reading:
  1-2-4-5-6-Chord (er): say below - speak the rest of the text
    press twice to review the current dialog or window

Finding text:
  F-Chord: open Orca's find dialog - prompts for new search text
  F-7-Chord: find the previous occurrence of the current search text
  F-8-Chord: find the next occurrence of the current search text

Changing Orca settings:
  O-7-Chord: open the general Orca preferences dialog
  O-8-Chord: open the Orca preferences dialog for the focused application

Pointer (mouse) emulation:
  P-Chord: route the pointer to the current item
  P-7-Chord: perform a left mouse click on the current item
  P-8-Chord: perform a right mouse click on the current item
  P-7-8-Chord: move the focus into or away from the current mouse-over (web only)

Current time and date:
  T-7-Chord: speak the current time
    press twice to speak the current date

Toggling review settings (dots 7 and 8 added to easy-to-remember letters):
  F-7-8-Chord: toggle flat review mode on/off
  N-7-8-Chord: toggle the navigation mode between browse and focus
    press twice to enable sticky focus mode
    press three times to enable sticky browse mode
  S-7-8-Chord: toggle structural navigation mode on/off
  T-7-8-Chord: toggle the table reading mode between cell and row
  V-7-8-Chord: toggle the verbosity between brief and full


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