BTSpeak Editor Help
Both the File Management menu (O-Chord M) and the File Browser (O-Chord F) provide these file editing functions:
O: open an existing file (prompts for name)
C: create a new file (prompts for name)
S: save the current file without leaving it
L: leave the current file after saving any changes
Q: quit the current file without saving any changes
Another way to open an existing file is to press Enter when on it in the File Browser.
The editor's screen has three regions:
A title bar on the top line; T-Chord navigates to it.
A status bar on the bottom line; 3-4-Chord (s t) navigates to it.
An edit area in the middle; E-Chord navigates to it.
From left to right, the title bar contains:
Either the word "editing" (you can make changes) or the word "viewing" (you can't make changes) to the file.
The name of (not the full path to) the file.
The word "restricted" if the editor is in its restricted mode.
The phrase "mark set" if the mark has been set.
The phrase "unsaved changes" if you've made at least one change to the file.
The edit area is kept blank so that the BTSpeak's own speech mechanism won't be accidentally triggered.
This is done so that the editor can always be in full control of what gets spoken.
The status bar is spoken whenever its content changes.
It's used to display information, warnings, errors, and alerts.
If there's more than one message to be displayed at the same time then the most important one is chosen.
The editor has three menus (each of which has its own help file):
D-Chord: the Delete menu
N-Chord: the Navigation menu
P-Chord: the Paste menu
An editor command is bound to either a Control character or to a Meta character.
These chords provide easier and more intuitive ways to perform useful editing functions.
3-4-5-6-Chord (number sign): toggle the showing of line numbers (editor command is Meta N)
8-Chord: type a "newline" character (editor command is Control M)
7-Chord: delete the character to the left of the cursor (editor command is Control H)
2-5-6-Chord (low d): delete the character that the cursor is on (editor command is Control D)
1-4-Chord: say the current line (editor command is Control Y)
2-5-Chord: say the current word (editor command is Control V)
3-6-Chord: say the current character (editor command is Control J)
1-Chord: go to the previous line (editor command is Arrow-Up)
4-Chord: go to the next line (editor command is Arrow-Down)
2-Chord: go to the previous word (editor command is Control B)
5-Chord: go to the next word (editor command is Control F)
3-Chord: go to the previous character (editor command is Arrow-Left)
6-Chord: go to the next character (editor command is Arrow-Right)
1-3-Chord: go to the first character of the current line (editor command is Control A)
4-6-Chord: go to the last character of the current line (editor command is Control E)
1-2-3-Chord: go to the first line of the file (editor command is Meta Backslash)
4-5-6-Chord: go to the last line of the file (editor command is Meta Slash)
2-3-Chord: go to the beginning of the previous (or current) block of text (editor command is Meta 7)
5-6-Chord: go to the beginning of the next block of text (editor command is Meta 8)
G-Chord: Place/remove an anchor (editor command is Meta X)
1-2-7-Chord: go to the previous anchor (editor command is Control P)
4-5-8-Chord: go to the next anchor (editor command is Control N)
1-3-7-Chord: go to the beginning of the current (or previous) paragraph (editor command is Meta Left Parenthesis)
4-6-8-Chord: go to the end of the current (or next) paragraph (editor command is Meta Right Parenthesis)
2-3-7-Chord: switch to the previous open file (editor command is Meta Less Than)
5-6-8-Chord: switch to the next open file (editor command is Meta Greater Than)
F-Chord (prompts for text): find forward (editor command is Control W)
F-7-8-Chord (prompts for text): find backward (editor command is Control Q)
F-7-Chord: find previous (editor command is Meta Q)
F-8-Chord: find next (editor command is Meta W)
M-Chord: set/remove the mark (editor command is Meta A)
1-2-6-Chord: copy to the clipboard (editor command is Meta 6)
3-4-6-Chord: paste from the clipboard (editor command is Control U)
Cutting and copying to, and pasting from, the clipboard can also be performed via the Delete menu (D-chord).
These operations use the "from to" (rather than the "from through") paradigm, i.e. they're exclusive rather than inclusive.
This means that the first character is included but that the last character isn't.
If the cursor is before the mark then the marked character isn't included.
If the cursor is after the mark then the character under the cursor isn't included.
Clipboard commands have also been defined for those who are accustomed to using the traditional Control- X, C, and V conventions.
These are formed by adding 8-Chord to the letter. So:
M-8-Chord: set the mark
X-8-Chord: cut to the clipboard
C-8-Chord: copy to the clipboard
V-8-Chord: paste from the clipboard
The full list of the editor's commands is:
Enter: insert a newline at the cursor's position
Tab: insert a tab at the cursor's position
Arrow Left: go back one character
Arrow Right: go forward one character
Arrow Up: go up one line
Arrow Down: go down one line
Page Up: go up one screenful
Page Down: go down one screenful
Home: go to the beginning of the current line
End: go to the end of the current line
Insert: paste another file into the current (or a new) file
Delete: delete the character that the cursor is on
Backspace: delete the character to the left of the cursor
Control A: go to the beginning of the current line
Control B: go back one word
Control C: show the cursor's position
Control D: delete the character under the cursor
Control E: go to the end of the current line
Control F: go forward one word
Control G: display help (Control X to exit)
Control H: delete the character to the left of the cursor
Control I: insert a tab at the cursor's position
Control J: say the current character
Control K: cut the current line (or marked region)
Control L: refresh (redraw) the screen
Control M: insert a newline at the cursor's position
Control N: go to the next anchor (wraps from last to first)
Control O: save the current file (or marked region)
Control O twice: quit the current file without saving changes
Control P: go to the previous anchor (wraps from first to last)
Control Q: search backward for a string (or regular expression)
Control R: paste another file into the current (or a new) file
Control S: save the current file without leaving it
Control T: insert the output of an editor function or an external command into the current (or a new) file
Control U: paste the clipboard at the cursor's position
Control V: say the current word
Control W: search forward for a string (or regular expression)
Control X: close the current file (or exit the editor)
Control Y: say the current line
Control Z: zap (discard) the current line (or marked region)
Control Right Bracket: try to complete the current word
Meta A: set the mark at the cursor's position
Meta B: invoke the linter
Meta C: enable/disable always show cursor position
Meta D: count the number of words, lines, and characters
Meta E: redo the last undone operation
Meta F: invoke the formatter
Meta G: go to the specified line and column (prompts for line,column numbers)
Meta H: enable/disable smart home key
Meta I: enable/disable auto indent
Meta J: justify the entire file
Meta K: enable/disable cut from cursor
Meta L: enable/disable hard wrapping of over-long lines
Meta M: enable/disable mouse support
Meta N: enable/disable show line numbers
Meta O: enable/disable convert typed tabs to spaces
Meta P: enable/disable show whitespace
Meta Q: search backward for the next occurrence
Meta R: replace a string (or regular expression)
Meta S: enable/disable soft wrapping of over-long lines
Meta T: cut from the cursor's position to the end of the file
Meta U: undo the last operation
Meta V: insert the next keystroke verbatim
Meta W: search forward for next occurrence
Meta X: place/remove an anchor at the current line
Meta Y: enable/disable color syntax highlighting
Meta Z: invoke the spell checker
Meta 1: delete backward to the start of the current word
Meta 2: delete forward to the start of the next word
Meta 3: comment/uncomment the current line (or marked lines)
Meta 6: copy the current line (or marked region)
Meta 7: go to the beginning of the current (or previous) block of text
Meta 8: go to the beginning of the next block of text
Meta Left Parenthesis: go to the beginning of the current (or previous) paragraph
Meta Right Parenthesis: go to the end of the current (or next) paragraph
Meta Equal: scroll the line with the cursor to the middle of the screen
Meta Plus: scroll down one line
Meta Minus: scroll up one line
Meta Less Than: switch to the previous open file
Meta Greater Than: switch to the next open file
Meta Left Brace: unindent the current line (or marked lines)
Meta Right Brace: indent the current line (or marked lines)
Meta Right Bracket: go forward/backward to the matching bracket
Meta Backslash: go to the first line of the file
Meta Slash: go to the last line of the file
Meta Colon: start/stop recording a macro
Meta Semicolon: run the last recorded macro