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File Management Help

There are two ways to perform file management -
via the File Browser or via the Manage Files menu.
Both methods are in the Options menu (O-Chord).
Z-Chord exits both.

Both methods offer these choices:
  a: about a file or directory
  c: create a new file (prompts for name)
  d: delete a file or directory (prompts for confirmation)
  g: go to a specific directory (prompts for name, forces browser)
  h: show hidden files (toggle)
  l: leave the current file after saving any changes
  n: create a new directory (prompts for name)
  o: open an existing file (prompts for name)
  p: protect a file or directory (make it read-only)
  q: quit the current file without saving changes
  r: rename a file or directory (prompts for new name)
  s: save the current file without leaving it
  t: translate a file into another format
  u: unprotect a file or directory (make it read-write)
  w: which directory
  x: select a file or directory for copying or moving (toggle)
  plus (dots 3-4-6): paste (copy or move) the selected files and directories

The File Browser offers this additional choice:
  f: change the directory listing filter
  m: switch to the File Management menu

The Manage Files menu offers this additional choice:
  f: switch to the File Browser

Typing either a letter or a number when in the File Browser moves to the next name that begins with that character.
Since lowercase letters are used for commands, the letter to search for needs to be typed in uppercase (so add dot 7).
The first letter of the name can be in either upper or lowercase.
The search wraps from the last entry to the first entry.

The directory listing filter is automatically reset when leaving and then reentering the File Browser.
This includes when using the G (go to directory) command.

These directory listing filters are provided:
  A: list audio files
  B: list braille files
  D: list directories
  F: list all files
  I: list image files
  N: no filter (the default)
  S: list selected files and directories
  T: list text files
  V: list video files

A file with one of the following extensions can be translated into another supported format:
  .brf: Formatted Braille
  .brl: Braille
  .csv: Comma Separated Values
  .docx: Word Document
  .epub: Electronic Publication
  .html: Hypertext Markup
  .md: Markdown
  .odt: Open Document
  .rst: reStructured Text
  .rtf: Rich Text
  .txt: Plain Text

A file can be translated into any of the following formats:
  B: Braille (.brl)
  E: Electronic Publication (.epub)
  H: Hypertext Markup (.html)
  M: Markdown (.md)
  O: Open Document (.odt)
  P: Portable Document (.pdf)
  R: Rich Text (.rtf)
  S: reStructured Text (.rst)
  T: Plain Text (.txt)
  W: Word Document (.docx)


If you are in the browser and need a reminder on the available file management shortcuts,
type M to switch to the menu, explore the options, and type F to switch back to the browser.

If an action prompts for confirmation, you can type one of these responses:
  Y: yes
  N: no
  R: repeat the question
If you enter anything else then you'll be reminded of these choices.
Z-Chord cancels the prompt - it's equivalent to answering no.

The file browser shows a list of the contents (files, subdirectories, etc) of the current directory.
These keys can be used to navigate the list:
  select first item: 1-2-3-Chord
  select last item: 4-5-6-Chord
  select previous item (wraps from first to last): 1-Chord or Backspace
  select next item (wraps from last to first): 4-Chord or Space
  go to parent directory: 7-Chord
  go to selected directory: 8-Chord
  open selected file or go to selected directory: Enter

If you are within the home directory's hierarchy then Dot 3-Chord (go to parent directory),
as a safety constraint, won't allow you to browse above the home directory itself.
You can, however, use g (go to directory) to bypass this constraint.


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