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File Sharing with Linux Help



In the GUI's file browser, click on Other Locations.
At the bottom of that screen is a place to enter the server name.
Depending on which DHCP server you're using, you may need to enter:
   either "smb://btspeak50/pi"
   or "smb://btspeak50.local/pi"
It'll ask for the user's name and password - enter "pi" and its password.

You can manually mount your BTSpeak's public volume from the Linux command line.
You'll need to first create a directory to be its mountpoint.
While this directory can be anywhere, it's usually created under the /mnt directory.
Let's assume that the mountpoint is "/mnt/btspeak".
These commands will mount your BTSpeak's public volume:
   mkdir /mnt/btspeak
   mount -t cifs -o username=pi,password=whatever //btspeak50/Public /mnt/btspeak
If you don't specify the user's name then it'll get it from the $USER environment variable.
This is usually the user that you're currently logged in as.
If you don't specify the password then it'll get it from the $PASSWD environment variable.
If $PASSWD isn't set then it'll prompt for the password.

If you'd like your BTSpeak's public volume to be mounted automatically each time you reboot your system
then add this line to your system's "/etc/fstab" file:
  //btspeak50/Public /mnt/btspeak cifs username=pi,password=whatever 0 0

In both of these cases (manual or automatic mounting), it's a bad idea to put a password in a public place.
Rather than using the username= and password= mount options, therefore, you should use the credentials= mount option instead.
It takes the absolute path to a file as its operand.
That file should, of course, be adequately protected from public scrutiny.
It's format is:




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