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File Sharing with Mac OS Help



First, verify that your Mac is connected to the same local area network as your BTSpeak.
To do this, navigate to "System Settings", and then expand the "Wi-Fi Networks" group.

In the Finder, open the Go menu and either select "Connect to Server" or press Command+K.
In the server address field, enter “smb://btspeak50.local” and then press Return to accept the address.
If this is the first time you've connected to the BTSpeak, your Mac will ask you for a username and password. Enter “pi” for the username, and your unit’s password.
Finder will ask you which volumes you wish to mount (Home, Public, or Logs). Select the volume you wish to mount, and then click OK.
Finder will then open the volume you specified. You may now move files to and from your BTSpeak.

After establishing a connection between your Mac and BTSpeak for the first time, the BTSpeak will also appear in the “Network Neighborhood” section of Finder, accessible under the Go menu or by pressing Command+Shift+K.
You may (optionally) configure the Mac to automatically reconnect to your BTSpeak when it restarts. This may be done inside the “Users and Groups” section of "System Settings".


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