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Pandora Menu Help

Pandora is a music console for Pandora Radio. Exit with Z-chord.
If this is your first time running Pandora and you do not have an existing Pandora playlist established on another device, begin by selecting the menu option 'Add stations to Playlist'.
If you do not already have a Pandora account, you can sign-up for a free account and establish credentials by navigating to in a web browser.
The first time running this application, you will be prompted for your Pandora username and password. You will have three login attempts.

If the login is successful, BT Speak will announce "Welcome to Pandora' and you may choose a music genre category. Selecting a category will direct to a list of music stations. Select a station to add it to your playlist.
Once you have added a station to your playlist, you will then automatically enter your playlist. 
Selecting a station from your playlist will start the music stream and return to the Pandoar main menu.
Now that your playlist includes a station, the next time you login you may begin Pandora using the 'My playlist' option. You can add as many stations to your playlist as you would like using the 'Add stations to playlist' option. 
Other Pandoar menu options are:

Pause/Resume play (shortcut is 'p')- pauses the music stream. Selecting this option again will resume play.

Volume up (shortcut is 'u')- raises music volume 10%

Volume down (shortcut is 'd')- decreases music volume 10%
Next song (shortcut is 'n')- skips the current song and plays the next song in queue on the same station

Change login (shortcut is 'c')- use this option if you want to log out of Pandora and login with new credentials


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