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System Upgrade Help

When you request a system upgrade from the System Administration menu, the following checks will be performed before it starts:

The first check is to see if you're connected to the internet.
This essentially involves pinging the address of a well-known public server.
If this check fails then you'll be told that "the network is not available", and the upgrade won't proceed.

The second check is to see if a system upgrade is actually available.
If no, you'll be told that there is "no new update" and then be asked if you're retrying an upgrade that failed.
If yes, you'll be told that "an update is available" and then be asked if you'd like to upgrade. 
In either case, respond by typing either y (for "yes") or n (for "no"), and then pressing the Enter key (Dot 8).
Note that this check isn't performed if you request a system upgrade from the Advanced System Administration menu in order to avoid the theoretical risk that there's a problem with it which might prevent you from being able to upgrade.

The third check is that the battery isn't too low.
If it is then you'll be told that "the battery is below 50%", and the upgrade won't proceed.

There's a system upgrade monitor running in the background.
If it detects that more system updates have been published then you'll hear an announcement that "a new system upgrade is available".
Since it runs on an intentionally somewhat randomized schedule from roughly once to twice per day, this announcement may occur when you aren't there to hear it.
The announcement won't be made again unless there've been more updates since the last time that the monitor checked.
Note that the system upgrade monitor needs access to the internet or else it won't be able to check for new updates.

Each time you boot the BTSpeak, a local (i.e. not over the internet) check is made to see if the system upgrade monitor has detected that there are pending updates to the system.
If there are then you'll hear an announcement that "a system upgrade is available" in between the "BTSpeak ready" and the "file is open" messages.


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